Vrsta datoteke H264

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Što su H264 datoteke i kako ih otvoriti

Imate li problema s otvaranjem datoteke H264 ili se samo pitate što sadrže? Objašnjavamo za što se te datoteke koriste i pokazujemo vam softver za koji znamo da može otvoriti ili na drugi način rukovati vašim datotekama.

Što je datoteka H264?

Datoteka .H264 je sirova MPEG-4 H264-kodirana video datoteka .

H.264, koji se ponekad naziva i MPEG-4 AVC, je video kodek koji je razvila Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) i danas je najčešće korišten video kodek. To je kodek koji pokreće većinu online videozapisa koje gledate. A također je i jedan od onih koji se najčešće neshvaćaju. Dakle, pogledajmo što je H.264 i zašto biste trebali brinuti o njemu u svojoj videoprodukciji.

Što je H.264?

H.264 je vrsta kodeka koji se koristi za komprimiranje i kodiranje videozapisa. Slovo H u H.264 označava "hijerarhijski", što opisuje kako se video rastavlja na nekoliko različitih dijelova koji se zatim ponovno kombiniraju u konačni video. To čini H.264 idealnim za strujanje ili prijenos velikih količina podataka.

The H.264 format is based heavily on the MPEG-4 format. This makes it easy for video producers to transition from one codec to another. Many of the technologies used in H.264 also exist in other formats, like H.265. The only difference is that H.265 is just a newer version of H.264.

H.264 Pros and Cons

The H.264 format has a few advantages over its competitors. Its main advantages are speed and quality. Its popularity makes it easy to use in almost any type of video production. It's also widely supported by devices. One thing to note is that the quality of your video is based on many factors. The more cameras capturing your footage, the better the quality will be. Likewise, the higher the camera's resolution, the better the quality.

How much post-production work you do on the video is also a factor. If you have high-quality source footage and a great editor, you won't have to do much work to squeeze excellent quality out of your videos. But if you're shooting your videos on the shaky-handheld Samsung camera, your videos may not be as great as you want them to be.

Another thing to consider is that the size of the file you need to store and transfer to your viewers will determine the quality of your video. The higher the quality, the larger the file. The size of the file is determined by the type of video codec you use. Basically, the larger the file, the better the quality. Development of new codecs (video compression techniques) is being done to reduce size while retaining the greatest quality.

Bottom Line

H.264 is an excellent choice for streaming and storing, and transferring high-quality video. It's widely supported by devices, easy to use, and can be used to compress large files without losing too much quality.

If you're looking for a codec that will provide the best quality possible, you should use H.265. If you're looking for a codec that will provide the best speed possible, you should use H.264. H.265 is great for storing and transferring large files, but H.264 is better for streaming or transferring smaller files.

If you're a high-quality video producer, you should also explore the advantages of H.265. H.265 can encode videos with fewer bits per frame, which increases the speed of your video. This can make it easier to compress your videos without losing too much quality.

Važno je upamtiti da nijedan kodek nije bolji od drugog. Sve se svodi na ravnotežu kvalitete i brzine vašeg videozapisa.

Kako otvoriti H264 datoteke

Identificirali smo jedan H264 otvarač koji je kompatibilan s ovom specifičnom vrstom H264 datoteke.

Programi koji otvaraju Raw MPEG-4 H264-Encoded Video datoteke

Bitberry otvarač datoteka Bitberry otvarač datoteka Provjereno

Zadnje ažuriranje: 29. ožujka 2022

Razne aplikacije koje koriste datoteke s ovim proširenjem

Poznato je da ove aplikacije otvaraju određene vrste H264 datoteka. Upamtite, različiti programi mogu koristiti H264 datoteke za različite svrhe, pa ćete možda morati isprobati nekoliko njih da biste mogli otvoriti svoju određenu datoteku.

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