
.SCM filtypenavn

  • Udvikler af: Blizzard Entertainment
  • Kategori: Spilfiler

Hvad er .SCM filer, og hvordan åbner man dem?

Kan du ikke åbne .SCM-filen? Er du i tvivl om, hvad den indeholder? På vores side vil vi forklare dig, hvad denne fil er, hvad den bruges til, og hvilken software der åbner .SCM-filen.

Hvad er en .SCM filtypenavn?

.SCM filtypenavnet er oprettet af Blizzard Entertainment. .SCM er blevet klassificeret som spilfiler.

.SCM er StarCraft Map File

Spilkort brugt af StarCraft, et real-time strategispil af Blizzard Entertainment; omfatter forskellige typer terræn og ressourcer; kan oprettes i forskellige størrelser, herunder 96x96, 128x128, 192x192 og 256x256.

Mange kort er inkluderet med StarCraft til både solo-kampagner og multi-player spil. Brugerdefinerede kort kan også oprettes ved hjælp af korteditoren.

Liste over al software, der kan åbne StarCraft-kortfilen
Blizzard StarCraft
Blizzard StarCraft
Filtype 2 GIMP Script-Fu Script
Udvikler af: GIMP Kategori: Plugin-filer

Script skrevet til GIMP billedredigeringsprogrammet; bruges til at automatisere handlinger eller tilføje kunstneriske effekter til billeder åbnet i GIMP-editoren; ligner et Photoshop-plugin, men gemmes som en script-fil.

GIMP scripts should be placed in the following locations for different operating systems:

Mac: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Gimp/scripts/

Windows: %UserProfile%\.gimp-2.x\scripts\

Unix: $HOME/.gimp-2.x/scripts/

After copying an SCM file into the scripts directory, you can refresh the list of scripts in Gimp by selecting Filters → Script-Fu → Refresh Scripts.

List of all softwares that can open the GIMP Script-Fu Script
File Type 3 Scheme Source Code File
Category: Developer Files Format: Text

An SCM file is a source code file written in Scheme, a programming language developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It is typically edited with a text editor and then run using a Scheme interpreter, which reads the syntax and executes the program. SCM files can be edited with any text editor, but they are best modified using an editor that supports Scheme syntax highlighting.

Scheme is part of the Lisp family of programming languages. It is most often used in academic environments for teaching functional programming concepts.

List of all softwares that can open the Scheme Source Code File
File Viewer Plus
MIT/GNU Scheme
File Type 4 ScreenCam Screen Recording
Developer by: SmartGuyz Category: Video Files Format: Binary

PC screen recording created using ScreenCam screen capture software; acts as a "screen camcorder" that records the exact activity displayed on the screen of a Windows computer; can be streamed using StreamCam software.

ScreenCam was originally developed by IBM Lotus and is now owned by SmartGuyz.

List of all softwares that can open the ScreenCam Screen Recording
SmartGuyz ScreenCam
Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
File Type 5 CLEO Compiled Script
Developer by: CLEO Category: Game Files Format: Binary

Compiled script written for CLEO, a third-party scripting engine for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA SA); enables players to expand the features of game using custom functions called "opcodes;" can be created using Sanny Builder, a GTA modding utility.

To use an SCM file with GTA SA, it must be placed in the \CLEO\ directory in the game installation folder.

List of all softwares that can open the CLEO Compiled Script
Sanny Builder
Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
File Type 6 Super Chain Media File
Developer by: SuperMV Category: Video Files

Audio or video file encoded with the SCM codec; includes digital copyright protection DRM, which guarantees the valid transmission of media over the Internet; developed by SuperMV, an audio and video interactive research company.

SCM files can be played in various media players if the SuperMV SCM codec is installed.

List of all softwares that can open the Super Chain Media File
Media Player Classic with SCM codec
Microsoft Windows Media Player with SCM codec
File Type 7 Samsung Channel List File
Developer by: Samsung Category: Data Files Format: Binary

Arkivfil eksporteret fra nogle Samsung-tv'er ved hjælp af en USB-forbindelse; indeholder en liste over kanaler gemt på fjernsynet, inklusive kabel- og satellitstationer; bruges til at gemme eksporterede kanallister.

SCM-filer kan udpakkes og derefter redigeres med SamyGO-programmet. Denne proces understøttes dog ikke af Samsung.

Liste over al software, der kan åbne Samsung Channel List File
SamyGO ChanEdit
SamyGO ChanEdit
SamyGO ChanEdit
Filtype 8 Schema File
Kategori: Tekstfiler

Deskriptorfil, der beskriver et andet dokument, såsom en XML-fil; angiver typisk dokumentets struktur og formatering samt hvilken type data det kan indeholde.

SCM-filer findes ofte på Unix-systemer, men kan også bruges på andre platforme. Andre typer XML-skemafiler omfatter Document Type Definition (.DTD) filer og W3C XML Schema (.XSD) filer.

Sådan løser du problemer med .SCM-filer

  1. Du skal opdatere det program, som du normalt bruger til at åbne .SCM-filer. Kun den seneste version af softwaren understøtter det aktuelle .SCM-filformat
  2. Du skal tjekke .SCM-filen for virus. For at gøre dette skal du scanne det med et populært antivirus (Norton, Nod32, Kaspersky, Dr.Web osv.)
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